The importance of pursuing Computer Science competitions

By SK, CS Content Editor, MehtA+ High School Thriving Guide

Computer science competitions are events that bring together students, professionals, and enthusiasts who are passionate about technology and coding. They provide an opportunity for individuals to learn, grow, and network with like-minded individuals who share similar interests.

Computer science competitions come in various forms, including but not limited to hackathons, coding challenges, programming contests, and robotics competitions. These events are usually organized by tech companies, universities, or non-profit organizations to promote innovation and excellence in the field of computer science.

Participating in computer science competitions has numerous benefits for individuals who are looking to enhance their skills and pursue a career in technology. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider participating in these events:

  1. Improve your coding skills

Computer science competitions offer a challenging environment that requires participants to use their coding skills to solve complex problems. This helps to improve their coding abilities and exposes them to new programming languages and technologies.

MehtA+ offers Competitive Programming Bootcamp to equip students with the skills they need for such computer science competitions.

  1. Enhance your problem-solving abilities

Competitions require participants to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. This helps to enhance their problem-solving abilities and creativity.

  1. Gain real-world experience

Competitions simulate real-world scenarios that tech professionals encounter in their daily work. This provides participants with practical experience that they can apply in their future careers.

  1. Network with industry professionals

Competitions provide an opportunity for participants to meet and network with industry professionals who can offer valuable insights and advice on career development.

  1. Build your portfolio

Competitions provide a platform for participants to showcase their skills and projects. This can be added to their portfolio and used to impress potential employers or clients.

  1. Learn from peers

Competitions bring together individuals from different backgrounds and skill levels. This provides an opportunity for participants to learn from each other and exchange ideas.

  1. Boost your confidence

Competing in a competition can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it can also be a confidence booster. It helps participants to believe in their abilities and trust their instincts.

  1. Win prizes

Many competitions offer cash prizes, scholarships, or job opportunities to winners. This can be a great incentive for individuals who are looking to kick-start their career in technology.

  1. Have fun

Computer science competitions are not just about winning; they are also about having fun and enjoying the process of learning and growing.

  1. Make a difference

Some competitions focus on solving real-world problems, such as climate change, poverty, or healthcare. Participating in these events can make a difference in the world and contribute to a better future.

Where can you find hackathons?

  1. Hack Club is a nonprofit organization that supports high school students in coding and entrepreneurship.
  2. Major League Hacking is the official student hackathon league, organizing coding events for students across the globe.
  3. Devpost is a platform where developers can showcase their projects and find opportunities for collaboration and employment.
  4. ChallengePost is a platform that hosts coding challenges and competitions for developers to showcase their skills.
  5. HackerRank is a platform that offers coding challenges and technical assessments for developers to improve their skills and find job opportunities.
  6. CodeDay is an organization that hosts coding events for high school and college students to work on projects and learn from mentors.
  7. Technovation Challenge is a global competition that challenges girls to develop mobile apps that solve real-world problems in their communities.
  8. Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization that aims to close the gender gap in technology by providing girls with coding education and mentorship.
  9. is a nonprofit organization that provides free coding education resources for K-12 students and teachers.
  10. CodeWars is a platform that offers coding challenges and exercises for developers to improve their skills and compete with others.

Besides hackathons, there are many computer science focused challenges and competitions.

Where can you find challenges and competitions?

  1. Reply Challenges is a platform that hosts coding challenges and competitions for developers to showcase their skills and win prizes.
  2. CodeWars is a platform that offers coding challenges and exercises for developers to improve their skills and compete with others.
  3. CodeChef is a competitive programming platform that hosts monthly coding contests and challenges for programmers to improve their skills.
  4. Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical and computational problems that require creative problem-solving and programming skills.
  5. TopCoder is a competitive programming community that hosts coding challenges and tournaments for developers to showcase their skills and win prizes.
  6. CodeSignal is a platform that offers coding challenges and assessments for developers to improve their skills and find job opportunities.
  7. CodinGame is a platform that offers coding challenges and games for developers to improve their skills and have fun while learning.
  8. Google Code-in was an annual coding competition for pre-university students aged 13–17 to work on open source projects and win prizes, where students can still view past competitions.
  9. USACO (USA Computing Olympiad) is a programming competition for high school students in the United States to improve their algorithmic problem-solving skills.
  10. CSAW High School Forensics Challenge is a competition for high school students to learn about digital forensics and solve real-world cybersecurity problems.


Preparing for and participating in a computer science competition can be an exciting experience for high school students, as they learn new skills and meet new people. Such experience is useful for students even later in life, as they tackle complex coding interviews when applying for computer science focused internships and jobs. And the best part of these competitions is that if you learned something new while preparing for the competition, you are a winner in our eyes!